That’s not cricket. Oh, wait, it is.

October 12, 2022

Several years ago I accompanied my wife to a veterinary pharmaceutical conference in Jamaica. One of activities I was most looking forward to was a tutorial in cricket. Sadly, the weather was poor and not enough people showed up to make it worthwhile.

For some reason, I have long been taken with the sport. As a child I picked up a book on cricket published by W.H.Smith and Sons. I think I was more enthralled by the tiny size of the book and the colorful glossy pages. More recently, I found myself venturing over to a local park where teams get together each week, hoping someone will ask if I want to take some swings. still waiting for that to happen.

So when this popped into one of my many Google alerts for baseball topics — Baseball vs. Cricket: Which is the better bat-and-ball sport and why? from, an outfit founded this year, headquartered in Ukraine with satellite offices in Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa, and Kenya — I had to post about it.

There aren’t a lot of books on the joint subject of cricket and baseball. This is my favorite: Right Off the Bat: Baseball, Cricket, Literature, and Life, by Evander Lomke and Martin Rowe, published in 2011. Here’s my review of the book. There’s a companion blog, but it looks like it hasn’t been updated for a while.



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